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How to put talent and strategy on the same level!

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This interactive, atypical teambuilding is not a ‘one shot story’!
We make commitments together about crucial topics and challenges regarding your chosen strategic direction, which will be evaluated in the follow-up session.

No Powerpoint, no cellphones!
'Let's do human!'

In the first session it’s time ‘to stop time’ / to reconnect and to rethink the way you do business. How to create ‘a ‘common bond’ between management and team members. We make action plans towards future proofing teams and companies.


We work on how you handle company mergers and bring different cultures together! How do you embark your middle management to your (new) strategy because they are the  ambassadors of your strategy.


How are you working together / what is the way you would like to work together? What do you do to win your customer’s heart?


We describe and discuss our ‘action plans’ / commitments.


Follow-up session - 6 weeks later

This session is important to confront the participants with their own resolutions and commitments. We analyse and evaluate their action plans; what have we achieved in concrete terms and what are the new challenges and action plans?


Give us more info about your team

Thanks! We will come back to you ASAP



We entered our excom seminar with Bob as a group and came out 2 days later as a team.


Merci beaucoup Bob pour l’animation de ce séminaire et pour ta persévérance. Merci d’avoir trouvé les mots justes et de nous avoir accompagné tous aussi bien collectivement qu’individuellement!


Dankzij zijn voorbereiding en zijn 'drive' heeft Bob 'to-the-point messages' overgebracht die het hele team geïnspireerd heeft om 'ownership' te nemen van de veranderingen.


Sie haben sich sehr mit unserem Unternehmen vertraut gemacht. Das war hochprofessionell und hat viel Erstaunen - auch in unserer Mitarbeiterschaft - hervorgerufen. Die Botschaften sind angekommen und werden diskutiert, Bob und sein roter Stuhl bleiben in Erinnerung.

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