Take your Co-Workers to the next level

An interactive communication & motivation experience where YOURÂ management, employees and even your customers are on stage to explain how they contribute to the company's growth.
After a thorough preparation Bob interviews managers, team members from different departments and even customers live on stage.
Bob also interacts with the audience.
How to raise awareness that 'we all are in the same boat'.
How to help team members to overcome their persistence to change.
How to win your customer's heart.
How can you inspire your team members to 'walk the talk'.

Although some were a little bit skeptical concerning the effectiveness of the day, they were pleasantly surprised to see Bob create a real willingness in the group. His very interactive way to debrief the situation made everybody comfortable and relaxed to express themselves.
PWC Belgium

Bob is a true European who can touch the buttons of a multi-lingual, multi-cultural environment.
Honeywell Austria

BOB can get the strategic message across in a constructive, dynamic and original way. He challenges your teams to get out of their comfort zone but also challenges you as a manager to make sure you listen to what people have to tell you!
Macadam Belgium

Je souhaite à tout chef d'entreprise à la recherche d'un consultant de haut niveau de croiser ton chemin et d'avoir le bonheur de travailler avec toi, pour rassembler ses équipes, faciliter le changement et étonner ses clients.
Peter & Clark – Luxembourg

Beste Bob, bedankt voor de fijne samenwerking. Wij hebben er met het hele team veel van opgestoken en dit op jouw typische positieve maar zeker ook professionele stijl. Je mag deze referentie graag gebruiken want wij staan met het hele team achter jou!